Scotland: Fort William, Ben Nevis & Stirling

August 14, 2014 § 1 Comment


I went to Scotland few months back, specifically to Fort William which is where Ben Nevis, the UK’s tallest mountain is situated. Unfortunately I never finished the post for this trip, so here is condensed version of what I wanted to write.

My brother had a bike race deep in the Scottish highlands near Fort William, which is a settlement on the shores of Loch Linnhe. Basically next to huge lake.

The journey was about 8 hours by car, needless to say I slept through some it, and I tell you it wasn’t a pleasant sleep. I slept more out of necessity ( I wouldn’t be able to see anything in the dark anyway) because I wanted to feel awake when we arrived to our campsite. I hate to sleep on long car journeys, the idea of missing out on epic scenery is just too sad.

Scotland did not disappoint, I had never been to Scotland before, and honestly I didn’t know what to expect, except of course dramatic landscapes.

I still can’t decide which was more breathtaking: the huge open spaces with river and lakes, surrounded by mountains- or the sheer isolation and barrenness of the beautiful land formation.

When we arrived our accommodation of choice was a static caravan, it really felt like home after a week there. It wasn’t luxury, but we were out most of the day so it didn’t matter. Who needs luxury to have a good time?

Here are some photos from our trip, driving to and from Fort William. « Read the rest of this entry »

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